LiveAgent subprocessors

What is a subprocessor: A subprocessor is a third party data processor engaged by LiveAgent, who has or potentially will have access to or process Service Data (which may contain Personal Data). LiveAgent uses various types of sub-processors to perform different functions as explained in the tables below. Due diligence: LiveAgent undertakes to use a commercially reasonable selection process by which it evaluates the security, privacy and confidentiality practices of proposed subprocessors tha...

Inställningar för att möta GDPR

LiveAgent följer GDPRs riktlinjer och ger dig även möjlighet att göra inställningar som passar er egna policy. Dessa inställningar bör du se över: 1. Efter hur många dagar skall raderade ärenden rensas från Databasen? Detta väljer du under Konfiguration -> System -> Allmänt 2. Efter hur många dagar skall skickade meddelanden raderas från utkorgen? Detta väljer du under Konfiguration -> System -> Allmänt 3. Skall kontakter som inte används längre raderas? Detta väljer d...


LiveAgent uppfyller EUs GDPR (General data protection regulation) som reglerar hur datasäkerheten skall behandlas och vilka krav som måste uppfyllas. GDPR EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is intended to increase the level of protection around the personal data of EU citizens, and to tighten the rules around how that data can be transferred and stored overseas. Another primary goal of the GDPR is to unify the law across the EU region: previously, each EU country was required t...

LiveAgent GDPR-efterlevnad

LiveAgent’s GDPR compliance Everything you need to know about LiveAgent’s GDPR compliance LiveAgent is committed to privacy, security, compliance and transparency. This approach includes supporting our customers’ compliance with EU data protection requirements, including those set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which became enforceable on May 25th, 2018. What is GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) is a regulation by which ...