LiveAgent uppfyller EUs GDPR (General data protection regulation) som reglerar hur datasäkerheten skall behandlas och vilka krav som måste uppfyllas.
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is intended to increase the level of protection around the personal data of EU citizens, and to tighten the rules around how that data can be transferred and stored overseas. Another primary goal of the GDPR is to unify the law across the EU region: previously, each EU country was required to implement local laws to comply with the EU Data Protection Directive, which left uncertainties for providers operating region-wide.
One way in which the personal data of an EU citizen could be collected when using LiveAgent is when you build a database of contacts, their information, and business dealings with them (i.e. a CRM system). Not all customers will be "data subjects", as data subjects are only individuals. Some of your customers may be businesses or government organisations, which the GDPR does not apply to.
We're storing all data of standard EU customers in Linode dat
acenters in London. We also store specifik customers data in datacenters in Sweden via iPeer.