HTML-signatur med bild på agent.

HTML Signature for agents

LiveAgent support agent signature just in text format, but if you have just limited number of agents, here is easy workaround how to display e.g. agent's picture in the signature.
The trick is, that we will define custom HTML for each agent directly in the email template (e.g. Reply template or New email template).

Email templates support Smarty programming language, which helps you to define simple constructions like IF ... ELSE.

Here is short code you can use in the email template:

{if $agentLastName eq 'Lastname1'}
html signature for agent with Lastname1 
{elseif $agentLastName eq 'Lastname2'}
another html signature for agent with Lastname2

To edit email template open menu Configuration -> Email -> Customer Templates -> select template you want to edit

If you are using HTML templates, please make sure to switch editor to "Source" view.

Now you can define your custom HTML for each agent: